Readers Choice Winner 2019 - Best Dance Lessons
Thank you New Braunfels for allowing us to share our passion with you. We look forward to another great year filled with fun, friends and dancing!
Rob & Diane van Haaren

Join the #SwingMovement
Empower yourself with tips on dancing, on upcoming Swing Music and Dance Events in New Braunfels, Austin and San Antonio and become part of the #SwingMovement

Lets Dance!

SWINGOUT and more! Rescheduled for February Date
Eight Count Swing Fundamentals Workshop w/Rob & Diane
February Date TBD - 12:15-2:45PM - New Braunfels TX
Come and learn or perfect that eight count Swing Out, technic and basic footwork. Expand you dance horizon and take the next big step in your dancing, a leap into the amazing world of the Lindy Hop
Pre-Requisite: Be comfortable with your 6 Count basics.
Rob and Diane make learning easy and fun. About Rob & Diane click here
12:15-1:30 PM - Footwork and different patterns to get you comfortable with placement and moving around in a 8 count pattern.
1:30-2:45 PM - Different Swingout variations starting and ending in different positions.
ALL DAY Pre-Registration Discounted Price $37 ($45 at the door) .
Held at NB Dance & Company 1157 W. San Antonio St. in New Braunfels. Only $25 p/p online ($30 at the door) Bring a smile!
Here a little fun at a teachers introduction at Rock that Swing Dance Camp - in Munich Germany - with Rob & Diane social dancing.
Reserve your Spot
Sign up today - and Save
General Only $37 all day ($45 at the door) Youth/Military $32 online
Let's have some fun - See you Saturday Dec 7th.
Location: NB Dance & Company
Held at NB Dance & Company 1157 W. San Antonio St. in New Braunfels.
Bring a Partner or Rotate In
Be Comfortable with your Dance Basics and Moving Around
Sign Up Now and Save
Limited Space